ECHA Enforcement Forum: Stepping Up Chemical Safety and Com...

With a laser focus on protecting consumer safety and ensuring regulatory compliance,

Contribute to UN Sustainable Development Goals
How Chemius can contribute to UN sustainability development...

The impact of safety data sheets extends far beyond mere documentation –

uk regulation eu regulation pcn clp chemical industry
Navigating the growing EU-UK regulatory divide

As if the PCN compliance landscape wasn’t complex enough, chemical companies now have to

pcn poison centre notification ufi chemical industy chemical materials
Can we have one UFI code for two products?

This is a common question we often get when handling with Poison Centre Notifications

Is your data in submitted PCN dossiers of sufficient quality?
Is your data in submitted PCN dossiers of sufficient qualit...

We are now approaching 4 years since the harmonised Poison Centre Notification

Can you get the Safety Data Sheet of a product by entering the UFI code on ECHA's webpage?
Can you get the Safety Data Sheet of a product by entering ...

We often get interesting questions from our various clients in the chemical

Do products classified as dangerous need an UFI code?
Do products classified as dangerous need an UFI code?

This is probably one of the most frequent question I receive regarding

How can a UK-based company submit PCN to ECHA?
How can a UK-based company submit PCN to ECHA?

I received this question from many clients recently, so I decided this

Products’ composition has changed – do we relabel old products with new UFI code?
Products’ composition has changed – do we relabel old p...

 We’re always chasing interesting questions where we can help and make life

Are UFI codes in the SDS obligatory? Is change in UFI for environmental hazards expected?
Are UFI codes in the SDS obligatory? Is change in UFI for e...

I got these two questions recently from a fellow regulatory expert: »I