Do products classified as dangerous need an UFI code?
Do products classified as dangerous need an UFI code?

This is probably one of the most frequent question I receive regarding

How can a UK-based company submit PCN to ECHA?
How can a UK-based company submit PCN to ECHA?

I received this question from many clients recently, so I decided this

How can a UK-based company submit PCN to ECHA?
How can a UK-based company submit PCN to ECHA?

 We’re always chasing interesting questions where we can help and make life

Who is obliged to generate a UFI code and make a PCN submission for a foreign trademark?
Who is obliged to generate a UFI code and make a PCN submis...

The field of poison centre notifications – PCN is quite complicated with

Inspectors to check the suitability of submitted Poison Centres Notifications (PCNs) and online sales of chemicals
Inspectors to check the suitability of submitted Poison Cen...

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has announced that the national authorities will launch two actions

How can we as a company based in Turkey submit PCN to ECHA?
How can we as a company based in Turkey submit PCN to ECHA?

We receive this question from many clients on a regular basis, so

PCN notification update – what is it and when should you do it?
PCN notification update – what is it and when should ...

We’ve already discussed various aspects of PCN notifications and UFI codes extensively on

Criteria according to which you need to create a new UFI code - Part 1
How are Composition, PCN Notification and UFI Codes connected?
How are Composition, PCN Notification and UFI Codes connect...

Many of our clients are still struggling to connect all of the

When do you need to make a Unique Formula Identifier (UFI)?
When do you need to make a Unique Formula Identifier (UFI)?

Today I’m going to write about one commonly heard myth that may