Can you get the Safety Data Sheet of a product by entering the UFI code on ECHA's webpage?
Can you get the Safety Data Sheet of a product by entering ...

We often get interesting questions from our various clients in the chemical

Do products classified as dangerous need an UFI code?
Do products classified as dangerous need an UFI code?

This is probably one of the most frequent question I receive regarding

How can a UK-based company submit PCN to ECHA?
How can a UK-based company submit PCN to ECHA?

I received this question from many clients recently, so I decided this

How can we as a company based in Turkey submit PCN to ECHA?
How can we as a company based in Turkey submit PCN to ECHA?

We receive this question from many clients on a regular basis, so

Why Chemius is the best tool for PCN

Here is a question for you. Why do you do poison centre