Three ECHA brochures to help you understand UFI and PCN in 10 minutes or less

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has prepared tons of material on UFI and PCN subject. If you have time to go down this rabbit hole you can start here.

But this post is not about that. It’s about getting the most content in shortest time possible. In this case 10 minutes or less.

So, we’ve picked just 3 brochures. A total of only 10 pages of concentrated content that go straight to the core and do not require much of your time:

You can find all three brochures in various languages here.

Of course, this is only the basis. Studies say it takes 10,000 hours of work in a field to become an expert.

If you don’t have that time and energy, maybe we can help you. Just write to me at

Don’t waste time & resources with complicated and expensive poison centre notifications and management. Do it efficiently and cut time by doing it directly from Chemius.

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