Here’s how I usually describe the process of PCN notifications and UFI code creation to clients. You can steal this if it helps you.
The process of PCN notifications and the use of UFI codes for chemicals in the European Union is regulated by the CLP Regulation (Regulation (EC) no 1272/2008) and goes through European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) – ECHA’s Submission Portal.
PCN stands for “Poison Centre Notification” and it refers to the process by which companies must notify to Poison Centres through ECHA of their intention to place a new chemical mixture on the market in the European Union. PCN is obligatory for hazardous mixtures (to health and/or with physical hazards) that are imported into the EU, as well as those that are produced within the EU.
The process of PCN notification begins when a company submits a notification dossier to ECHA, which includes information about the chemical substance, its intended use, and any potential risks it may pose to human health or physical hazards.
ECHA reviews the notification dossier automatically with a set of predetermined rules and thus determines whether the mixture can be placed on the market in the EU. If the PCN for the mixture is approved, ECHA issues a PCN number, which is a unique identifier that is assigned to the mixture.
UFI codes are an essential part of the PCN process.
UFI stands for “Unique Formula Identifier,” and it is a 16-digit alphanumeric code assigned to each hazardous chemical mixture (as I mentioned above for PCN) that is placed on the market in the EU. The UFI code is used to identify the chemical mixture and to help medical professionals in case of poisoning.
Overall, the process of PCN notifications and the use of UFI codes for chemicals in the EU is an important part of the EU’s regulatory framework for chemicals. It also helps to ensure that chemical mixtures are properly classified, labeled, and managed to protect human health in case of poisoning.
You can continue exploring the UFI and PCN subject here. We wrote tons of post and I firmly believe you’ll find something for you there.
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Bojan Dimic