Let’s start with the basics: what exactly is SCIP?
The acronym SCIP stands for Substances of Concern In articles, as such or in complex objects (Products).
What is a product?
A product means an item that, during production, acquires a special shape or surface which determines its function more than its chemical composition. Chemicals defined as substances or mixtures are not considered products.
The SCIP notification is the submission of information on the presence of SVHC substances in products to a unified EU database. Products containing substances of very high concern in a concentration above 0.1% by weight must, as per the requirements that came into effect on January 5, 2021, submit information about this to the ECHA agency.
The SCIP database enables traceability of information on the presence of SVHC substances in products throughout their entire life cycle, even when they become waste. This information is then available to waste handlers and consumers.
Who is required to complete the SCIP notification?
Obligated parties include:
• EU manufacturers and assemblers,
• importers of products into the EU,
• distributors and other stakeholders in the supply chain placing products on the market.
Retailers and other participants who supply products directly to consumers are not obligated to submit information to the SCIP database.
Since when is it necessary to submit information to the ECHA agency?
Parties concerned are required to submit information to the ECHA agency as of January 5, 2021.
In the first part, you gained a clear understanding of what the SCIP notification entails, who is obligated to fulfill it, and when this obligation came into effect. In the second part of our blog, we will focus on the data to be submitted to ECHA, the process of completing the SCIP notification, and what information from these submissions is accessible to the public. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact me at spela.hudobivnik@bens-consulting.eu.
Author of original photo rawpixel.com portal Freepik
Spela Hudobivnik Kos